FINDAGROOV is a search engine.

Search for audio streams and downloads on the Internet.

Well, wait, you ask:

“Isn’t that what Spotify, iTunes, Amazon Music, Pandora, Tidal, and so forth are for?”

True, subscription streaming services are the norm and those are the standards.

However, believe it or not, not all music on the Internet comes from subscription streaming services.

There is an entire world of audio streams and downloads on the Web, which are 100% free and 100% legally available
— either directly from artists’ websites, press kit sites, legitimate review sites, or music archive sites.

This is where FINDAGROOV comes into play.

Search by song title, artist name, album title, or website name.

Results are returned as individual songs which link to their respective websites.

A whole world of music outside of subscription services awaits you on the web

And it’s completely legal and free!

Go find a groove with FINDAGROOV

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